


What is it

The project svnrev is a substitute for the subwcrev program which comes with TortoiseSVN.
It is written in java and builds upon the svnkit library which is also written in java. Therefore
svnrev runs on any computer with a jvm installed.

It can be used standalone, or in combination with build scripts for e.g. ant. There is also a gradle plugin which
builds upon svnrev: gradle-svnrev-plugin.


To use it standalone (in windows), assuming the necessary dependencies are in the current folder (which will seldomly be the case):

java -classpath "svnkit-1.7.5.jar;trilead-ssh2-1.0.0-build215.jar;antlr-runtime-3.4.jar;jna-3.4.0.jar;sequence-library-1.0.2.jar;sqljet-1.1.3.jar;svnrev-1.0.3.jar" de.emesit.svnrev.SvnRev

If the current directory is a subversion working directory, that command will generate a file '' in the currentdirectory and will approximately
look like the following:

svnrev_build_commit_time=2011-08-28 23:54:26 MESZ
svnrev_build_time=2012-07-04 17:47:45 MESZ